The Future of Blender Materials

Multi-texture importing. Production Ready library.


- ONELVXE Studio Shader
- Utility Nodes
- Custom Startup File

- 100 Premium PBR Materials
- Photorealistic Texture Repository
- ONELVXE Texture Bridge

Material Previews


(Variety Pack + 9 Standalone Material Packs)
= $100.00


(Material Pipeline Bundle)
= $50.01

Product Details


Bundled with the package are 100 different PBR materials and utility FX node groups to get you started. Designed with speed in mind, these materials are ready to go out of the box.  You can access these materials in two ways. You can either append the material from the Library .blend file like you normally would, OR you can import all the textures comprising the material into your material node-tree with the ONELVXE Texture Bridge.

ONELVXE Principled Shader:

Cycles Disney Shader - Select and mix between various shading models using PBR rendering algorithms natively in Cycles

Say goodbye to complex node-based material setups. Based on the Disney Principled Shader, this node group can be used to craft nearly any material imaginable including: non-metals (dielectrics), metals with anisotropy, car-paint, glass/refractive materials, skin (SSS), emission type materials, and nature type materials. Created for PBR, the node group allows for global shader control, such as roughness, specularity and color, while reserving more specific control for other shading models. 



ONELVXE Texture Bridge: 

The foundation of any good material is next-level texturing. The ONELVXE Texture Bridge is a multi-texture importing machine. Upon import, all of your texture nodes are placed into a group node, labeled correctly, set to the correct color space (Color, or Non-Color Data), and assigned group output links. With one click you can add a complete set of texture maps (Diffuse, Glossy, Specular, Normal, Roughness, AO, etc) straight into a material node tree. Includes native support for both Metallic/Roughness & Specular/Glossy PBR Workflow and all possible map types/image formats.


Together These 3 tools comprise the ONELVXE Material Pipeline.
Buy NOW, improve your workflow, and reduce time spent creating materials.

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